“Metaphysical Masterclass On Line Event” 

 Saturday 25th September 10.00am to 3.30pm via zoom

“Tools for the journey of the awakened soul”

“There has never been a more important time in our history to be Intune with our natural metaphysical senses” David Richard   

We all have the ability to use our metaphysical senses but since birth no one has shown or told us what those unique feelings mean, or what those visions represent. During our lifetime, we tend to dismiss or ignore the subtle communication process our metaphysical self uses to communicate with us. Most people go through their entire life rarely or possibly even never utilising these senses.

The ability to sense, hear, feel, see and understand on a metaphysical level is innate in every soul. It’s like a compass which if we know how to use it, can guide us through our journey in life. The metaphysical senses are called, Clairsentience, Claircognisance, Clairvoyance and Clairaudience.  

Once understood and consciously used these senses can have a profound impact in our life on a physical, emotional, spiritual and metaphysical level. The Metaphysical Masterclass by David Richard has been specifically tailored to help you consciously understand and utilise your own metaphysical senses on a daily basis, thereby guiding you like a compass through life.

Who can attend this workshop?
If you have an interest in the metaphysical world, curious about your own abilities, using and improving your metaphysical senses or perhaps you would like to take your own personal growth on a physical and metaphysical to a new level this course is for you.

What you will gain by attending the Metaphysical Masterclass?
By attending this workshop you will:

  1. gain a clearer understanding of how the metaphysical world works and how it interconnects with you,
  2. how to be in tune with your natural metaphysical senses and how to use them daily,
  3. how to turn your metaphysical senses on and off,
  4. how to properly cleanse your own energy and your space,
  5. how turn your senses down and how not to tune into other peoples’ energy, managing anxiety
  6. How to focus on your souls journey
  7. Knowledge of which metaphysical senses are your strongest, and embrace a new level of confidence not only with yourself but your soul’s journey.
  8. Understand how to analyse another person’s energy
  9. Some of the people attending this event will be “read” by other people during our “psychic challenge”

The requirements with all of our workshops is a willing spirit and an open mind. Be prepared to have an exciting, fun filled, educational day along with meeting people on a similar path and understanding as you.

The requirements with all of our workshops is a willing spirit and an open mind. Be prepared to have an exciting, fun filled, educational day along with meeting people on a similar path and understanding as you.

Enquire about this workshop click on this link  Workshop enquiry   or book for this event use the information below.

How to Book:
Go to the seminar page and select a seminar event from the drop down menu ( special event $50.00) Click on pay on line, you will be redirected to a secure pay point with Credit card or Pay pal funds that can be used for your purchase, select the number of people attending then click on “check Out” once you have finalised the payment you will be issued with a receipt and your details will be added to our registrar for the Day event.